renGus reNgusan aLways complain anD grUmple 'bouT everytHing.. yet he has a Big heart
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
ek ? ekk ek?
taken from my mail.. send by anonymous
**They end 9 out of 10 sentences with
Ekk ialah trademark orang Johor. Digunakan
di hujung SETIAP ayat menggantikan tanda soal (question mark).
Contoh :-
Ni awak punyer ekk?
Nama awak saper ekk ?
Kenapa kite kaler tak cantik ekk ?
Dan macam-macam ekk lagi.
Aku teringat semasa aku sekolah dulu, aku dan member sebelah aku boring yang amat di dalam kelas, so to keep us awake, kami dok mengira berapa kali Cikgu sebut ekk. In a period of 40 minutes, dekat 100 kali! Lepas tu kami gelarkan Cikgu tu as Cikgu Fadzillah* Ekk. (*bukan nama sebenar).
2. They refer to Johor Bahru as Johor and not JB.
Kalau orang di negeri Johor sebut Johor, it means Johor Bahru (JB), the city dan bukan Johor, the state. Biasa digunakan oleh mereka yang tinggal di luar bandar Johor Baru seperti di Masai--chusettes umpamanya.
Contoh : Beb, gua nak turun Johor laa. Lu mahu ikut gua tak? So, if you ARE already in Johor, tak kira di daerah mana - if the locals kata nak pergi Johor, it means nak ke Johor Bahru. Jangan pulak buat lawak bongok** berkata, " Eh, lu
3. They pronounce Muar as MUOR. (kena juih bibir sikit)
In fact you pronounce everything that ends with "AR" as "OR".
Contoh : Aku kena pakai seluo beso untuk main bola kat Muor besok. (Aku kena pakai seluar besar nak main bola di Muar besok).
Aku teringat Kakak tegur aku bila aku cakap macam tu. Kenapa Mama
sebut besar, BESOR ? Slipper , SLIPPOR ? Aku tergelak. Aku cuma speak
like that bila berjumpa dengan true blue Johorean aje.
Lapo (lapar), penampor (penampar), ulor (ular), pagor (pagar) dan lain-lain.
4. They are brash with a CRAZY sense of
Honestly, I belum pernah jumpa orang Johor yang serius Or cannot take a joke.
Walaupun pendiam atau pemalu , but their sense of humour boleh tahan gak. Almost all of them (yang aku jumpa dan kenal lah) are either loyar buruk or bigor**.
Baik di kampung mahu di Bandar. The sense of humour is unique that I find kadang-kadang orang luar (non-Johorean) agak takut with the brashness of budak-budak Johor.
Did you see Majalah 3 the other night - see
how Tunku Yem (nama manja Tunku Mahkota Johor) bercerita pasal
anakanda dia Tunku Ismail ? Haha.... that i s exactly my point!)
5. Diorang ada ENDUT **.
Kalau tak pernah berendut, sure pernah ada endut or busuk-busuk pun
teringin nak ada endut.
Contoh ayat :
Haa...kau dah ada endut yer ? Kau pergi berendut kat mana ?
Orang berendut dia pun nak berendut.
6. Diorang Makan Gula Tarik, Sagun, Gula Kandy, Bobotok....mee
Dah lama aku tak tengok atau makan gula
tarik, sagun or
nak describe dengan teliti these things cos it has been 30 years
since I last tasted them.
Aku pernah tanya my Dad dulu - kenapa buruk benor nama dia bebotok.
Then my Dad cerita :
Di zaman dulu ada seorang nenek yang tinggal seorang diri. Everyday
cucu dia akan datang bawak makanan. Nenek ini suka sangat pais ikan
dengan bubur so dia suruh cucu ni bawak tetiap hari. Bila cucu tu
bawak makanan lain, Nenek akan tanya "Mana Bubur Tok? ". Lama-lama
Bub ur Tok jadilah Bebotok - kesan dari cakap cepat-cepat. aku tambah skit, kt sini pn aku selalu makan gula ketuk, sedap ni, agak nye nama die gula
ketuk sbb kalo nk beli, nnt gula tu kena ketuk dulu, sama la gula tarik, kalo beli, nnt die tarik gula tu dulu, rindu ah, lama tak makan.(teringat zaman kecik2 dulu)
mee bandung-ikut cite, menurut orang2 tua Batu pahat(BP), mee tu orang bp yang cipta. Tapi diorang kata orang muar curik resepi tu n popular kan..lama2 orang muar yg dapat nama..lebih terkenal ngn nama Mee bandung muar..
tp takpela.. BP glemer ngan Beriani Gam Batu Pahat..
gi bangi pun leh jumpa beriani gam BATU PAHAT..
klue laa bukan glue
alaa NZ wangsa maju kat atas bukit kecik tu.. kat mamak tu ade small megazine shop (sort of). Aku nak bli KLUE (megazine).. so aku tanye mamak tu.. "macha!! megazine KLUE ade?" dengan selambenye die tunjuk kat satu corner.. kat corner tu ade rak.. rak jual pelbagai gam.. from budak skola nye gam.. gam pvc sampai laa gam UHU.. --aku dah pelik dah.. "KLUE laa not GLUE~!!! itu megazine title KLUE la macha!" baru la mamak tu tehegeh2 senyum tahik.. "sorry2.. saya ingat itu glue.. ooo. KLUE tada laa" --- Cis.. buang mase aku je
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Saturday, August 09, 2008
DD's wedding

Location : Melaka - Dd's wedding
Food : Finger lickin good
Bride : Beautiful
Just got back from Dd's wedding. Its just half an hour drivin from Melaka town. I went with Deng. Dd's ibu was so warm and she welcome us with exitement. She was like "come come.. u r Dd's friend rite? come come eat". Even though there were like loads of people yet she come on to us like she knew us for years.. Wa caya sama lu ibu. Food was good and overall the wedding was absolutely beautiful.
May ur marriage live happily ever after.
auto mode
Place : My Room
Purpose : Waitin for my laundry to finish
It tooks 5 years for me to meet my beloved friend DD... Yup 5 years dude and finally i manage to see her. We only meet each others trough the net and phone. And yet it tooks me 5 years to meet her.. and 3 days after that she's goin to get married. Its funny how god setting up things for human. Nevertheless i still thankful to it. At first i thought it'll be awkward since i never met her b4, however things turns out extremely fantastic. Its like we know each other for years and years ago.
Congratulation DD n syamzarin for ur marriage, may u live happily ever after.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
money ...
And when it comes to work.. here.. i mean in Malaysia, still there are some obstacles for student especially malays. HUh~! im not saying im racist, its just thats the way they are we tend to be prejudice. Who doesnt? again, in the same 'buletin utama' it shows some conference at someplace involving Pak Lah and several uni students. And theres one UM students was asking "why are they so many malays in the government sector - meaning less of other races" then the PM answered with all this lame excuses like the govt are trying to balance and shit" i said hell with that.. if that lame ass joker ask me.. y they are so many malays.. my answer will be, this is malaysia and its my fucking country and its just the way they are. why in a chinese firm have so many chinese? Plus theres several medium big firm hiring only chinese? there u go lame ass doink~!
My point is, here.. even though this i multiracial country, there still racism among us. Not include the racist bias boss or racist bias job offering -eg; Chinese only - Chinese are much prefered- there u go