Thursday, May 11, 2006


yeaH.. its thursdaY finaLly.. wan 2 balik kaMpung after this.. but the best part is.. i jusT noticed thaT my roaD tax aledi expired 5th may 2006...shyte.. hev to abLik kampung with exPired roaD tax.. hope nothin haPpen..

the sky lOoks cloudy.. im hoPin for a bright sunlight.. just please dun rain.. im gOing baCk tHis eveNing T_T

anYway,, 2daY is aFida lasT day at this cOmpany... we were haVin a nice LuncH.. wIthout inviting my manager.. (hahahah) buT then sOmehow she kNew 'bOut it.. the she actualLy caMe to hOt mama.. for like 10 to 15 minUtes havin driNk i guess.. just to sPy oN us.. whut ta FucK? is she's a manaGer or baby sItter?
aiyya,,, laNtak aa.. jaNji akU baLik kaMpUng aRi ni.. taKe a nice sleep wIth a Nice sound fRom mY bOombOx.. yeye..

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