Friday, May 26, 2006

nothiN much

thank god 2day is fridaY.. yey.. the department is planning to playing futsal.. oo.. correction my collegue is planning to play fUtsal 2morrow.. in fact they aledi book the plaCe.. at PJ.. its a nice place.. but it'll be betTer this time.. coz we hev 14 player.. (thank gOD) compaRe to lasT time.. we onIy hev 10 player.. - no subs.. T_T..
caNt wait 2 plaY.. cant wait to see how gewD this new guys plaYin (chewahh.. cam aku bagos).. this is bcz.. just now.. this cool wannabe dude.. keep saying is gewd la.. chinese playing like this la.. indian like this la.. macam bagos je..
so.. 2morrow morning.. hev to wake up frIgin eaRly.. amik neil.. then go to kelaNa jaya lrt station.... ryan's waiting for us there..

Here is the list of confirmed players
Neil -team captain-
Edmund -3rd teamer-
Aizuddin -tried and tested, just passed the average point-
Khairil -new signing, promising-
Fairul -untried, but promising-
Juan -untried, but promising-
Anna -Power puff Girl-
Ally -Power puff Girl-
Jerry -untried, unpromising-
Kin Mun -Nesta-
Justine -Power puff Girl-
Tamera -Power puff Girl-
Ryan -Fatnaldo-
Sam Hooi -untried, must regain fitness-
Dillion -Silent Killer-
Chan Tat Cheong -Crouchy-

P.S: There will be a match between guys and girls. So guys be prepared to lose if you wanna get on the good side of girls.

(coppied from ryan'mail.. macam bagus)

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